Never mind the other biographies: "Sid Vicious" is the definitive guide to the life and times of the Sex Pistols front man As a veteran punk-rocker who lived briefly with Sid's mother, author Alan Pбшюдзarker is intimately acquainted with the musical and cultural scene that Sid Vicious dominated during his short life This account fills in the gaps of John Simon Ritchie's life, from his art-school days to the death of girlfriend Nancy Spungeon to his drug overdose at взжды21 New and previously-unheard voices - including the headmistress of his parish school and his mother - help paint a fuller picture of this punk luminary Those interviews, along with in-depth research in the New York City Police Department's archives, lead to dramatic conclusions about who killed Nancy Spungeon and how Sid himself died Автор Алан Паркер Alan Parker.