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Sowieso: Deutsch als Fremdsprache fur Jugendliche: Arbeitsbuch 1 Издательство: Langenscheidt, 1994 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 3-468-47651-5 Язык: Немецкий Формат: 195x264 инфо 9322r.

The Arbeitsbuch is the monolingual German version of the Level 1 Workbook It is the preferred format for English-speaking students The Workbook gives instructions and introduces activities in English, graduaбшээаlly going over to 100% German as the book advances It affords the student a more comfortable, accessible entry into the German language Авторы (показать всех авторов) Hermann Funk Michael Koenig Тео Шерлинг Theo Scherling.